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There has been a tremendous effort made for a long time now to convince people that:
* the Gospels were not written by the people who are named as the authors (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), and
* they were not written by eyewitnesses at all, and
* they were written a long time after Jesus lived, and
* they are not historically accurate, and
* much of the content was invented by Christians
who were ‘reflecting’ upon the life of Jesus.

These lies were invented by people who had no real faith in Jesus Christ at all. They became current through the machinations of people who were pushing agendas of their own, which required that Christianity be recast to their liking, or discredited altogether. Tragically, their efforts were aided by all too many “useful idiots” within the Christian body.

This books explains the duplicity of it all, and goes on to show how the four Gospels are absolutely to be relied on as historical fact.